
The art of a culture of hope - A sharing

J&J (Jessica Huber & James Leadbitter)

The artist *innenduo J&J refuse to be governed any longer by the politics of fear. Therefore, in 2016, they launched a long-term investigation of our value system: they initiated a dialogue about fear and asked, «Where is there any hope,» or, in other words, «Where in our society is there 'space for potential'?» Based on this dialogue, they created the «Archive of Hope». Subsequently, and with YOUR support, they will propose a law to be incorporated into the Swiss constitution via a political initiative and that will guarantee Switzerland a culture of hope.

Since the beginning of the project, J&J and its team have met with different groups of individuals and associations – in Zurich, Athens, London, and Lucerne. As the culmination of Keine Disziplin, they tell about their experieces in the other cities.


→ in German and English → please dress warmly

Free Entrance.
Reservation Required:

05 Sun Nordflügel